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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best age to start daycare?

Studies have shown that children are generally ready for daycare by as early as 12 months old. We accept 2 1/2 to 5-year-old children.


What is the best age for preschool?

Most preschools consider an appropriate preschool age to be around three to four years old, but this isn't a magic number for every child. Preschool readiness depends on a lot more than age. 


Is preschool better than staying at home?

Here is an interesting finding by the U.S. Department of Education: children in high-quality preschool programs are more likely to develop high literacy skills. Furthermore, preschools can also prevent children from falling behind academically, ensuring that they keep up with their peers.


Are kids who go to preschool more successful?

Research shows that kids who attend quality preschool may have higher math and reading skills, are better prepared for kindergarten, behave better in class, and are more likely to graduate from high school and attend college.


Do you take babies? Do you take 2-year-olds?

The youngest age we accept is 2 1/2. 


When can I enroll?

We have open enrollment year-round. Just give us a call or come in!


How much is tuition?

Prices vary depending on age and days needed, please call us.


When are payments due?

Payments are due by the 5th of each month. 


How long are the class sessions?

Our preschool and pre-kindergarten sessions are 3 hours long.


How does the Spanish Program work? Are all classes taught in Spanish? 

Our Spanish learning curriculum is taught through hands-on and engaging learning with dramatic play of real-life experiences, a rich Spanish culture classroom/environment, and native Spanish-speaking teachers. In Spanish, our students learn colors, numbers, shapes, common nouns, songs, greetings, community workers, basic sentences, and facts about various cultures and traditions. 


Does Young Scholars Academy have a room used especially for large motor development?

Yes, our Dance and PE room is designed to offer our students the opportunity to develop healthy muscles, enhance flexibility, and stimulate the brain through music and movement.


Are there any programs or performances by the students?

Yes! We have a Halloween parade, a Holiday program, a Spring program, and a Graduation ceremony.


Will my child be tested for academic performance?

Yes, our preschool and pre-k students receive academic and social/emotional assessments three times throughout the school year.



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